News & Resources

National Brush Day 2024 Downloadable Materials

News & Resources Category: Resources

The DTA Foundation is thrilled to launch the 2024 National Brush Day campaign! This year, we are asking families and dental professionals to join the #NBDDentsquad! Our DentSquad heroes are rallying dental patients, families and professionals all across the country to join the fight against tooth decay and plaque and spread the word about the importance of good oral health.

Being a DentSquad hero is super easy, all you have to do is take care of those teeth on November 1st by brushing away all of that Halloween candy.

2024 Downloadable Materials

In 2024, the Dental Trade Alliance was calling all dental professionals to join in the fun and help spread the word by encouraging your community and patients to join the #NBDDentSquad! The DTA Foundation has created a variety of downloadable campaign materials, including activity sheets, social media graphics, and posters to help raise awareness.

New this year! Participants who share photos of completed DentSquad activity sheets on social media with the hashtag #NationalBrushDay—or upload them directly at—will be entered to win one of five $100 Amazon gift cards. Whether it’s through emails to your patients, social media posts, or by promoting the DentSquad in your office, you can play a vital role in spreading the word.