
Two Minutes, Twice a Day

2min2x is a campaign that promotes the importance of brushing teeth for two minutes, twice a day. The goal of the campaign is to encourage individuals, especially children, to adopt the recommended oral hygiene practice of brushing teeth for a total of two minutes in the morning and two minutes before bedtime.

2min2x Campaign

2min2x, a partnered campaign from the Ad Council and the DTA Foundation, was born from The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives. The Partnership for Healthy Mouths, Healthy Lives is a coalition of leading organizations in the field of oral health was committed to improving children’s oral health so that they can develop into healthy, productive adults. The coalition shared the view that no child should be in pain and suffer broader health issues or endure the social stigma and lack of opportunity resulting from untreated dental diseases and conditions. The Coalition’s primary mission was to teach parents and caregivers, as well as the children themselves, to take control of their own health through oral disease prevention – thus the 2min2x campaign was born.

The 2min2x campaign is often associated with National Brush Day, which is observed on November 1st. This initiative is part of a broader Foundation effort to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining good oral health habits.

The DTA Foundation is proud to have the support of various other dental health organizations who help amplify the impact of 2min2x. The campaign provides educational resources, tips, and materials to encourage individuals to follow the recommended brushing routine. With a focus on empowering parents, the campaign urges them to take action to reduce their children’s risk of oral disease by ensuring their kids are brushing their teeth for two minutes, twice a day.

Visit the 2min2x website to learn more about how to keep your kid’s mouths healthy, tooth to-do’s, educational resources to learn about kid’s teeth, and much more!

Toothsavers App

Created by 2min2x, the Toothsavers app transforms the daily routine of brushing into a delightful journey for your children. Embark on a two-minute quest to vanquish the magical spells cast upon the kingdom’s inhabitants, from the fiery Dragon to the beloved Little Red Riding Hood, and even the mischievous Pirate. But the excitement doesn’t end there! With each passing day of dedicated brushing, unlock new Toothsavers to join in the fun. Brush consistently for 30 days, and be rewarded with delightful surprises!

Make brushing an adventure for your children – learn more about the Toothsaver app by watching the video, or jump ahead and download on the app store today.